Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Roman Ondák (first week of school)

Roman Ondák
 "Measuring the Universe"

I loved starting off the year with this project.  The beginning of the year is filled with a checklist of rules and classroom introductions, etc. It's not the most exciting thing  having to do it over and over for thirty-some classes.  I like doing a quick thoughtful performance art project which the entire school can take ownership in participating.

What is "Measuring the Universe"?
This is an installation art piece by Slovakian artist Roman Ondák. It was first installed in 2007 in the MoMA. It started with white rooms.  People would come into the space and measure themselves against the walls. They would mark their name and date they were measured.  After a while the names begin to overlap.  The idea came from the habit of parent's measuring their kids heights again a wall or door frame.  Below are two great videos I like to show the kids.

This video shows people interacting in the exhibit. You can see blank walls become transformed by a few black sharpies marking a place in time.

Roman Ondak discusses "Measuring the Universe"

How did we use it in the classroom?
After we went through our beginning of the year housekeeping I introduced the project by showing them photos.

I started by showing them just the walls of the exhibit with all the sharpie marks on them.  I asked them what they thought they were looking at? I got lots of fun answers with that question.  

Then I showed them people in the exhibit marking the walls. I asked them what they thought these people were doing?  We eventually get to the conclusion that they were marking their measurements against the wall. 

I asked if any of them had their heights marked against the wall? I showed them a photo of the wall at my grandmother's house were she marked the heights of all her grandchildren.  We talk as a class about the significance of marking a person's space and seeing how their space relates to others around them.  It allows the viewers to become part of the art.

After we've learned about the project it's time to create our own version!
 I put a long sheet of white bulletin board paper against my back board.  I gave the the kids sharpies to mark their height, name and date. 

Throughout the week everyone added their names to the paper.  Including some teachers, which the kids thought was so cool! 
 I hung up our final paper in the hallway.  I'm leaving it there until the end of the year.  The last week of school we are going to measure again using red sharpies.

One of the best parts is when the kids learn what happens at the end of the exhibit. Sadly, this art project doesn't last forever, they paint over the walls when it's finished.  Art that doesn't last, shocking!  

I really enjoy starting the year off with a school wide collaborative art project.  

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