Sunday, February 28, 2016

"Ain't Gonna Paint No More"

This book is a must-have for Art teachers. My little ones love the illustrations, rhymes, and mess!

We started this project by reading this incredible book.  The kiddos love trying to figure out the rhymes before I turn the page.  

Then we split into a few small groups to create collaborative pieces of art. Each group chose one person to lay on the large white bulletin board paper in a pose.  The rest of the group traced around that person, which ends up looking like those old crime scenes photos.

We talk about how they can use colors, patterns, shapes to fill up their outline.  Each person has to participate and they have to learn to work together so they don't cover over another person's art.  I pass out a couple colors at a time to each group, then rotate the colors between all the groups.  By the end of class every group has had a chance to use all the colors.  

The hardest part was finding a place to let our people dry without ripping the paper, dripping on the floor, or having them fold together.  

The next week each group worked together to cut out their art person.  We hung all of them in the hallway, which was a great way to spread some color around our school.

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